CST for Babies


From conception, a child's life is a whirlwind of physical, emotional and mental development and change at times making the transition from birth to a normalized healthy baby and parent relationship an overwhelming adjustment period. In support, it can be helpful to have a range of supportive "tools" to address the issues. CranioSacral therapy is one such tool and is ideal for babies and children since the touch is extremely gentle and is carried out fully clothed. 

The birth process and any subsequent medical procedures such as "tongue tie" revisions can generate mild to severe central nervous system abnormalities. CST can reduce a wide spectrum of health challenges, any of which may not be noticeable until after the early developmental stages.

What to expect in your child's CST session.

A typical CranioSacral Therapy session takes place in
a quiet, peaceful setting. Parents are encouraged to
bring toys and blankets to the session that the child will
associate with comfort. The child remains clothed, and is
treated on a padded table or therapy floor.
Parents stay in the therapy room and participate in the
child’s session. They may lie on the table or floor with the
child, if that helps the child feel more secure.
Reactions to CST vary. Children may sleep through the
session, while others may be alert, and some may cry, 

(toys come in handy to distract them and keep
them stationary). Older children are usually comfortable
lying on the table and relaxing. Children may be silent or
vocal, and sometimes may cry. The therapist works with
the child to help them to feel secure and relaxed.
Through gentle touch, the therapist begins monitoring
the rhythm of the fluid that is flowing around the central
nervous system. Delicate manual techniques are then
used to release restrictions in the child’s body and
head, thus improving the function of the central nervous
system. The sessions are generally deeply relaxing,
creating feelings of warmth or gentle pulsing in the areas
where the therapist is working.

CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to help children with :


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Cerebral Palsy, Erb's Palsy

Colic/Reflux and Digestive Disorders Connective-Tissue Disorders Emotional Difficulties

Failure to Thrive

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Hearing Disorders


Lactation Issues

Learning Disabilities Motor-Coordination Impairments

Neurovascular or Immune Disorders Pos- Surgical Dysfunction


Sensory Processing Disorder 

Speech Disorders

Tongue and Lip Ties

Torticollis and Plagiocephaly


For More Information from the Upledger Institute, Please Click here.